You can relate this if you are familiar with the Madagascar movie series. These animated sidekicks truly provided entertainment and leadership lessons through quirky one liners. Over to Skipper! photograph by unsplash-logo Matthieu Joannon “Cute & Cuddly boys, cute & cuddly” Always be presentable, presentation is the key. Maintain the same behavior with your associates. Do not expose your intent. “Don’t give me excuses, give me RESULTS” Set a standard for your associates. Never compromise. Apprise the non-performers. Develop conscientiousness. “Blend , Blend , BLEND” Open to experience. Blend to achieve and be on target. High on task. “Remember the Penguin Credo – Never swim alone. Be there for your followers. High on consideration. Set a Credo, align yourself to it and your associates will follow . Well done boys Appreciate your team. There are no substitutes to Celebration & Reinforcement M...
Reviving this space that I started to jot down either opinion or research that I still procrastinate from making it into a book. Disclaimer - [Will be updated based on scope it failed to cover.:)] Content on this space (posts and comments) authored by me are personal and not the views of my employer (present and past). The content available on this blog are for informational purpose only.